Smoky Day on Mount Rose

Lake Tahoe in the smoke.
The Rim Fire down by Yosemite blanketed Reno in smoke for weeks in the late summer. It made getting out a little difficult as generally felt like you were walking in a chimney, so I got lazy, but did make a great ascent up the steep eastern slope of Mount Rose from the maintenance station/big bend on Mt. Rose Highway. Despite the smoke, it was a beautiful day for a climb. I didn't think I would make it to the top (especially after I had to stop for a couple of sneezing fits due to late season allergies), but keeping on one step after another and then crested the big first ridge and saw the peak ahead I knew that no matter what, I was going for it, and I did. From the top, realized that Lake Tahoe was even more shrouded in smoke that Reno.

Dropped back to the car just at dusk. It was a great day.

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